Local businesses are now able to take advantage of local expertise thanks to the new Digital Consult Program.
The objective of Digital Consult is to connect small business owners in Cornwall, SDG and Akwesasne with experts in finance, legal, marketing, technology and on-line solutions. Business owners will be able to book an expert for up to 3 (three) 90 minute consulting sessions, allowing them to ask questions, identify available assistant programs, and plan out future activities and more.
The cost of the consultants will be covered by the Business Enterprise Centre, thanks to a $32,000 grant from the Ontario Together Fund. All consultations will be confidential and specific to the business.
To participate in this program, businesses must:
- Be located within Cornwall, SDG or Akwesasne
- Be a registered business
- Have 99 employees or less
Home based businesses are eligible. Businesses looking to apply must fill out an application form with the Business Enterprise Centre. Intake begins December 1st, 2020.

COVID-19 Recovery Network
Digital Consult is part of the efforts to enhance services at Ontario’s Business Enterprise Centres through the creation of a COVID-19 Recovery Network. The new funding will help expand the capacity of virtual business advisory services and improve access to funding, crucial information, and resources to equip businesses to respond to Covid-19 and grow. In addition to Digital Consult, local businesses are encouraged to participate in the Business Enterprise Centre’s ongoing series of webinars.