People of all ages enjoy, cotton candy and popcorn as a treat, which gave Mehdi Agouzoul the idea to start his entrepreneurial journey, by opening Pop N’ Fluff. He came up with the idea after attending an event in Ottawa and seeing the long customer lines for simple treats.

Throughout the summer Pop N’ Fluff will be attending various special events and locations across Cornwall and SDG to sell fresh popcorn and traditional cotton candy. When not at community events, Pop N’ Fluff will be at the Cornwall Square in front of the Dollarama. Customers can watch Mehdi spin cotton candy to order and enjoy smell a freshly popped popcorn.

“It’s appealing due to the fact that it’s the ultimate treat for people of all ages, that it’s fun at any festive event, and how easy it is to prepare.,” explained Mehdi Agouzoul, owner.

As a participant in the Summer Company program, Mr. Agouzoul has been working with the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre in developing his business plan and furthering his education on the different aspects of running a business.

To learn more about Pop N’ Fluff  and where they’ll be located throughout the summer look out online at: