Connor Armstrong – Armstrong Stump Grinding and Hedge Removal

Connor Armstrong noticed how mowing a lawn with stumps makes it more difficult and takes longer to cut the grass. With the purchase of a stump grinder he can help other people have an easier time cutting their grass.

With eliminating stumps it will make the grass cutting smoother, easier and take less time. “It eliminates the need to trim around old stumps,” explained Mr. Armstrong.

Now, as a high school student at Tagwi Secondary School, Mr. Armstrong thought it would be the perfect opportunity to be part of the Summer Company Program and get his business started. He is an active member of the Stormont 4H club and is currently participating in the Dairy Club.

Throughout the summer months Mr. Armstrong will be grinding stumps and removing hedges from peoples lawns. Once the stumps and/or hedges are removed he will be filling in the holes and re-seeding the area.

As a participant in the Summer Company program, Mr. Armstrong has been working with the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre in developing his business plan and furthering his education on the different aspects of running a business.

To learn more about Armstrong Stump Grinding and Hedge Removal, please contact him at: